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Your safe space on stories about domestic violence in intimate relationships

Not sure where to start?

Looking for support services?


Domestic violence hotline



Crisis Textline Website

Text HOME to 741741


Our Story

Domestic violence is a 'sleeping pandemic'. Since the start of COVID-19 pandemic the cases involving domestic violence have increased while the number of calls reporting domestic violence has decreased by more than 50% as people are not able to reach out for help.

However, there are only limited spaces where these conversations take place. As advocates, we believe that there should be adequate support and venues where victims can freely and safely speak up, seek help, and understand what they are going through.

We have had countless conversations with survivors and advocates alike. Their inspiring stories of resilience and hope have inspired us to work on mission of spreading awareness and creating a safe community where victims can support each other and learn from each other's stories. With that, echo was born. This is a collective brainchild of women who have gone through an arduous journey of abuse to go to safety and take back control of their lives.

Welcome to echo. We hope you find the support you are looking for in our family. 


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